Are you upset because you didn’t hit your goals in 12 weeks? Well I didn’t either!
•2010: I was down from 225 to about 175 here and was to the point where my body wanted to be comfortably. My old lifestyle would have kept producing that result. But I was not ok with staying there!
•2012: I worked hard focusing on #nutrition and #cardio and got my body to this point. I was small and had very loose skin and for all the work I was doing, I didn’t want to be skinny, I wanted to be fit!
This is proof that a body will NOT just reveal muscle as it gets smaller. I had to build it and add shape and curves with weight training over LOTS of time and with great intention. So that became my next goal.
I also had surgery later that year to remove 6″ of saggy skin on my lower abs and get implants. I’m a-ok to share that and it was a choice I made 110% for me…and I’m still very glad I did it! #noshameinmygame .
•2017: I got amazing results long before this, but this is a visual of where I am today, off stage at 138 in daylight and as white as can be! #ghostmode. You can see my scar still on my abs, but you can also see the muscle curves I’ve added!
Again, change takes time and daily, mindful intention. I will keep living this lifestyle for all my remaining days. It just keeps getting more exciting and I thoroughly love chasing my most optimal me!
This collage is why I say “Just keep going”. Each day I hurdled the discomfort and vowed to establish new ways. It never gets easy. I simply keep getting better at working the plan!
To Your Wellness,
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