There is no weight loss, wagon falls, thrown towels, “good” or “bad” food lists: we are simply having a hormonal experience!
Every time we eat, we send information to our body. Then our system responds hormonally. Many people think of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone as the only hormones. No, there are so many more than that!
The metabolic hormones control our body composition and those are controlled in part by sleep, stress, food types, nutrient timing, food quantity, activity levels, and of course some epigenetic factors (the marriage of your genetics and lifestyle combined.)
So to change body composition, also known as fat loss or muscle tissue additions, you must change hormonal patterning, known as the lifestyle.
A wholistic approach is in order. This is why I regularly practice and coach:
•getting unplugged early in the evening to raise melatonin and then get more sleep, thereby lowering cortisol. Cortisol impacts belly fat and sugar cravings, too.
•choosing fiber-rich whole foods, minimizing grains, dairy, refined oils, and refined sugars. Meaning eating more vegetables, beneficial fats, and protein in order to monitor blood sugar, therefore keeping insulin levels and fat storage systems in check
•watching exposure to our circadian rhythm, unnatural lights, and EMF (our beloved devices!) to monitor cortisol levels
•eating enough for your body’s needs so thyroid hormones are optimal. Low intake means a stalled metabolism.
•more weight training to release human growth hormone and utilizing minimal (if any!) steady-state cardio to monitor adrenaline. Overall, this focus can increase muscle mass and lower body fat levels, all then impacting improved metabolism and our ghrelin (hunger) and leptin (satiety) signaling.
Why do so many people regain what they lose? It was a temporary dash.
Nothing really changed and most rushed right back to the way it once was, compounding their initial issues. Hormones got off balance, the metabolism slowed down, and empty fat cells are primed for fast fat regain and fat overshooting as well.
This is why we have to quit slashing calories and choosing extremely high cardio programs in 21-day or 12-week transformation mindsets. We are involved, miraculous beings, friends!
Our systems are the compilation of our hormonal responses from years and years of our habits, lifestyle, and choices. Realize how intricate you are!
Slow down and invest in your wellness. Chase the process!
To Your Wellness,
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