Weight loss is not the catalyst, it is a side effect to the compound effect of many layers.
One can go to extremes to move the scale down for a time, but unless you learn and change your habits, maintaining the loss is not long term. Most often, one may even gain back more than they lost depending on the methods used and the severity of the impact on adrenal hormones.
What we really want is fat loss, not weight loss. Reducing fat storage is more so a result of hormone balance, sleep, nutrient-dense intake, gut health, and the marriage of food quantity and activity levels to put one into a caloric deficit. The science of all those variables applied consistently over time produces a long-lasting result solely due to the establishment of a new lifestyle!
The system is extremely smart and if it is not adequately fed, sleep is low, and stress levels are high, the results are undesired. Usually sugar cravings spike, hunger rises out of control, and belly fat collects. Stop the vicious cycle!
People are making fast six-week attempts to chase the wind or a dress size or a six pack vs. taking the necessary time to learn their bodies and lay new foundations for lasting change. It is like trying to get a college degree in a three-day study. It won’t happen!
I’ve seen it go both ways:
A-Focus solely on the scale and you’ve missed the message. Frustration is your definite sidekick.
B-Study your body and learn your habits over time, welcome to the new you, inside and out!
I’m 8 years in and never fell back to the old me, so please heed my message. I have no product to sell you.
The reality to your goals is simply about patience, consistency, and cause and effect. Do the work to become a student of you, not a slave to the numbers on the scale!
To Your Wellness,
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