This is a video library for my clients and anyone in need of seeing weight training exercises in action. Most of these link to my Instagram page, @fitgalmindy, where I’ve collected them in the gym over time. Please use them at your own discretion. I ask two things of you if you use my videos and tips for training ideas:
1. Focus on form and activating the prime mover to make the weight move, not how much load you can move
2. Chase the process….do this with consistency over lots of time. Give it years, not just months!
-Mindy | [email protected]
Abductions banded seated, compound set
Abductions standing with a weighted bar
Abductions banded, quadruped (on all fours)
Abductions, band walks (3rd slide)
Abductions, lateral band walks
Abductions: Banded Quadruped (on all 4s)
Alternating Hip Hinge and Squat on the Cables*
Barbell Reverse Lunge for Glutes*
Barbell Walking Lunges for Glutes*
Back Extension, Hyperextension; Video #2
Back Extensions on the Glute/Ham Developer*; Back extension vs. Reverse Hypers
Cable Kickbacks; Set the pin 3 high, angle out 30 degrees
Cable Kickbacks (scroll the post!)
Calf Raises, Bodyweight with varied foot placement
Calf Raises, Standing Dumbbell
Deadlift, Barbell; Video #2; Video #3
Deadlift, Cable with shoulders-width stance
Deadlift, Cable with Sumo Stance
Deadlift, Dumbbell with Sumo Stance
Deadlift, Hex Bar* (Deadlift is shown after the back row)
Deadlift, RDL on the Belt-Squat Machine
Deadlift, 1-Leg Romanian (RDL)
Deadlift, straight-leg Barbell, stool elevated
Deadlift, Stiff-Leg, Sumo Stance
Deadlift Variations: American (ADL), Romanian (RDL), Straight-Leg, Stiff-Leg (also below)
Donkey Kicks, Banded; Cable with straight legs (Hamstring focus)
Duck Butt (first video); Also includes quadruped hip extension on the reverse hyper and a cable 1-leg RDL
Elevated hip thrusts: Glutes, Hamstrings
Elevated Hip Thrust and Reverse Hyperextensions*
Glute Cable Kickback Superset with Seated Abductions*
Glute Bridges: Bodyweight, Plate, Barbell
Glute/Ham Raise Machine, slow motion
Glute Ninja Kicks on the Cables
Glute Primers, Training Warm-Up*
Good Morning, Barbell: Glutes, Hamstrings; Video #2
Hamstring One-Leg Rollouts on the Stability Ball
Hamstring Quadruped (on all 4s) Dumbbell Extension
Hip Hinge practice, no load, form only
Hip Hinge practice, bands only; Video #2
Hip Hinge practice on the cables, Video #2
Hip Hinge practice paired with a Plated Hip Thurst
Hip Hinge practice on a loaded T-bar
Hip Hinge practice on a weight bench
Hip Thursts, Barbell, Video #1; Video #2, Video #3
Hip Thrusts, Elevated and Superset with Banded Abductions
Hip Thrusts, On the Leg Extension Machine
Hip Thrust Teaching Progression: Bodyweight, Plate, Barbell
Hip Thrusts, Elevated: Glutes, Hamstrings
Kickbacks on the cables; Set the pin 3 high; angle out 30 degrees
Kickback pulses (second slide)
Kickback 21s (7 low, 7 high, 7 full range of motion)
Lunges, Bulgarian; Close stance to activate the quads
Lunges, Bulgarian; Glute Focused, more width apart in feet base
Lunges, Walking; Dumbbell or Plates
Lunges, Walking short stride for quads
Lunges: Reverse lunge with front-loaded barbell
Step Up: DB to an elevated platform
One-Leg Stretch (second part of the video): Glutes, Hamstrings; Video #2
Quadruped Hip Extensions on the Ham Curl Machine
Quadruped Hip Extensions on the Reverse Hyper Machine*
Quadruped Hip Extension with a Dumbbell
Reverse Hyperextensions on Machine (Glutes)*
Reverse Hyperextensions, incline bench and stability ball
Reverse Hyperextensions on the Back Extension Machine
Reverse Hyperextensions on Glute/Ham Developer
Reverse Hyperextensions Banded on Back Extension Machine
Back extension vs. Reverse Hypers
Seated Abduction Machine for Glutes*
Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
Straight-Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts
Straight-Leg Plate Deadlifts on a stool for range of motion
Squat: Knee Squat; Video #2; Video #3
Squat: Machine Squat reverse standing, paired with alternating Hip Hinges
Squat: Zercher Squat; Video #2
Bench Dips for Chest, Arms, and Shoulders
Bicep Cross-Body Dumbbell Curls*
Bicep Curls, Dumbbells; Sitting, Narrow stance, Wide base, 1-Leg demos
Biceps Curls, Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Bicep Curls using Dumbbells and balancing on 1 leg
Bicep Curls using Dumbbells in a V-sit*
Bicep Cable Curl: Seated row machine, 1 arm
Chest: Incline Bench Dumbbell Chest Press
Chest: 1-arm Dumbbell Chest Press on Stability Ball
Chest: Push-Up Variations: Knees lowered, Traditional, Feet elevated
Chest: Push-Up with feet elevated on a stability ball
Chest and Triceps: Seated Plate Dips
Tricep Bent Cable 2-Arm Kickbacks*
Tricep Dumbbell Skullcrushers, Overhead Extensions
Tricep Pressdown, Underhand and Neutral Grip
Bent-Over Dumbbell Row; Video #2
Bent-Over Cable Motorcycle Row; Video #2
Bent-Over Cable Motorcycle “Stretch” Row
Bent-Over Cable Wide-Grip Row, elevated on a platform
Cable One-Arm Stretch Row, Video #1; Video #2; Video #3
Inverted Bodyweight Rows on Cable Machine
Inverted Bodyweight Rows on Smith Machine*
Inverted Bodyweight Row on a Barbell, Stability Ball
Inverted Back Row on the Stability Ball*
Lat Pull-Down Prone (Face Down) on Incline Bench*
Lat Pulldown and Weighted Stretching*
Lat Pull-Down, Stretch and off the seat; Video #2
Lat Pull-Down, Narrow-Grip Floor Kneeling Video, #1; Video #2
Motorcycle Rows (2nd video shown)*
One-Arm DB Row and Lat Pull-Down with parallel-grip bar
Prone Incline Bench DB Row, pulling low to high
Protract and Retract for Back Exercises*
Pull-Ups, Video #1; Video #2; Video #3
Pull-Ups Parallel Grip (2 bars)
Pull-Ups: Wide grip, Neutral grip, Narrow grip
Rack Pulls* Video #2* Video #3*
Split-Rope Kneeling Lat Pulldown for middle back
Straight-Arm Cable Pulldown; Video #2
T-Bar Row with Anchored Barbell
Weight Training: Back Day Exercises*
Wide-Grip Floor Kneeling Lat Pull-Down, Video #1; Wide-Grip Floor Kneeling Lat Pull-Down, Video #2
Bradford Shoulder Press for Front Delts*
Band Face Pulls and Lateral Raises
Converging Overhead Dumbbell Laterals, Around the Worlds
High Rows with DBs for Medial Delts
Incline Bench Dumbbell Giant Set: Front raises, Side laterals, Rear Delt Raises
Incline Bench Lateral Raise for Medial Delts; T-slides added
Cable Lateral Raises , Video #2, Video #3
Lateral Dumbbell Raise, Charles Poliquin Style
Lateral DB 1.5 Raise to Front Raise to Laterals
Landmine Barbell Shoulder Press*
Lateral DB T-Raise (Laterals to Converging to Front Raise overhead)*
Lateral DB T-Raise (with front raise!) and a how-to tutorial*
Lying Cable Upright Rows for Front Delts*
Military Press, barbell; Video #2
Overhead 1-arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press for Front Delt*
Overhead 1-arm DB Shoulder Press, Standing
Overhead Dumbbell V Press for Shoulders*
Overhead Presses, Kneeling Dumbbell, 1-arm; Video #2
Prone, incline bench plate front raise
Seated Cable High Rows for Rear Delts*
Seated Cable Face Pulls for Rear Delts, split-rope
Rear Delt Cable High Row, Video #1; Video #2 Video #3
Rear Delt Cable Horizontal Lateral Extensions on the Stability Ball;
Rear Delt Cable Split-Rope Face Pulls
Rear Delt Cable Scarecrow Flys; Video #2 Video #3*
Video #4 (3rd video on this link)
Rear Delt Incline Bench DB Fly
Rear Delt 1-arm face pull and 1-arm pec-dec machine
Rear Delt Pec Dec Machine, standing; Video #2, Video #3
Seated dumbbell serratus anterior raise
W Press with Dumbbells; No video yet, but it’s a seated overhead press pushing out to the outside of the W, down, then in to the inside of the W, down; that’s 1 rep!
Carries in the driveway with DBs, Video #2
Server Carry with 1 arm static overhead
1-Arm KB Press; 1-Arm KB Swing; 1-Leg RDL
1-arm cable row with 1-leg RDL on opposite side of body
Contralateral Row and Hinge on the cable (CLA Row); Opposite arm & leg working
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Uphill Sprints
HIIT with Jump Rope and Recovery KB Farmers Walks*
Medicine Ball Chops, Horizontal
Push-ups with stability ball tuck and pike
Squat Hover to Back Row with Hex Bar
Stability Ball Push-Ups and Pikes
Gymnastics Bodies and Yoga Flow for Mobility*
Hanging on a bar, using a stability ball; Mobility & Bodyweight
Hip Complex on the Stability Ball; Video #2
Mobility and Stretching Flow for Strength and Flexibility*
Power Stretching on Smith Machine*
Static Stretching on the Smith Bar
3 Mobility Drills I Do Daily!*
Hip Mobility: Yogi Squat, Duck Walk, Plank, Side Plank
Hip Mobility; Cable Yogi squat with upper-body stretch
Hip Mobility; Standing hip circles/pedals
Hip Mobility: Standing Hip Wheels/Circles
Hip Mobility; Side lunges, low runner’s lunge with torso rotation
Hip Mobility: Yogi squat with raised heels to standing
Hollows for core (also called front support)
Jefferson Curls for Mobility, Flexibility and Strength*
Mobility Flow: Stiff-leg bear, crawling
Shoulder Dislocates, bar
Shoulder Dislocates, band
“Mind Pump Media’s” 12 Mobility Drills (What Mindy uses!)
Cat/Cow torso mobility on all fours
Crab walk, Ape, Frog, Stiff-Leg Bear
Front Support with Shoulder Mobility; Back Support
Protract/Retract shoulder blade mobility, on all fours
Training Tutorials
How to Hip Hinge in preparation to Deadlift
NPC Bikini 12-Minute Posing Tutorial for 3 front poses, back pose, and transitions*
NPC Bikini Posing Routine for 2018*
Mindy Irish NPC Bikini at the 2017 Natural Northern USAs
Bikini Presentation for late 2017
Bikini Presentation for early 2017
Bikini Presentation with a posing client
Kentucky Muscle 2016, Masters Bikini 35+ Individual Posing Presentation
Questions, Comments, Online Coaching, In-Person Personal Training, Posing: [email protected]