This time of year has historically been my busy season for inquiries and new clients in fitness. Amazingly it comes well ahead of the holidays and I have always enjoyed the fact that people are trying to make great change and impact for themselves at this point in the year.
I myself DO have a transformation. I have gone thru great change in all parts me, but even at that, I would never call myself a “transformation specialist”. I have learned how to execute this. I know what it takes. I know what to do and what not to do. I also know the length of time it commands.
I especially know the root cause if you want to make a change and keep it. Isn’t that what we’re all out for?
Where’s that?
It’s in the habits and the mindset!
In this time of year when I get interest from clients, I often hear things like, “How long?”, “When?”, “How fast?”, “When do I get a cheat meal?” Essentially people are talking about the end before they even start!
When I do get a client who asks me, “How?”, then I know her mindset is in the most optimal place. It’s most likely I can get her to make the changes, stay with the system, and after we work together to establish solid foundations, be able to do this on her own for the long haul.
I feel most people derail due to 3-5 areas:
- They’re trying to make a quick fix.
- People are trying to make a physical change without getting to the root cause of their habits.
- People are chasing the calendar. We’ve been told “faster is better”, but most who get a fast change, don’t maintain that. My story is all about maintaining the efforts I put in for the long haul.
- People compare themselves to friends, online influencers, or maybe even their coach or trainer. Only you live in your dynamics and scenario, so there can never be any comparison.
- People move in and out of resources, trainers, fitness protocols, and gyms to chase the next “new thing”. Find a system or someone you align with and give them 110% over lots of time.
Look at the time stamps on my pictures. The first picture in 2003 was the outcome of the lifestyle I was living at the time and then into 2009. We dined out a lot, we drank, we ate late, we stayed up late, and I had no food awareness or movement patterns. I did not belong to a gym. That was my normal from ages 28-35!
After my 4th kiddo in 2009, I decided I wanted to live in a new lifestyle. In that I would be getting a new outcome, which did involve my physical body. In April 2010 I was 165 lbs. and had lost from 225 lbs. at the end of my pregnancy that October before. That was progress for me, yet compared to now, I’m miles down the road from that point.
I got results early on, but what I’m showing you now is that I’m maintaining it. That’s what truly important!
Why and how I did and am doing it?
I looked at my habits, I adjusted my mindset and perspective, and I established a new lifestyle.
Additionally, I was never operating from a place of anger or disappointment of myself to how I had lived in the past. There would have been NO future-forward progress if I was going to be acting out from a place of bitterness or disappointment. Instead, I established new ways out of self-respect and self-care. Those became my priority and I let the past go!
I gave myself grace and space. I had grace to make mistakes, to go slowly, and to learn my body. I gave myself space to do this as my mind, body, and family responsibilities allowed, as opposed to some predetermined agenda or self-imposed timeline.
Now you see me in late 2022. It all started with the mindset and the willingness to realize it’s NOT a race or a destination. I started, but I like to now consider myself on a joy ride.
We have options. You can sign up for sprints, distance runs, or joy rides. My joy ride has no end date. I’m still getting results now almost 13 years in to my reset!
I’ve worked with two personal trainers, each for over a year. I’ve worked with six coaches to guide me along the way. I’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours to get to this point and it was worth every bit of it. I’ve done my time and paid my prices to learn from talented professionals in the industry.
Imagine you are planning a trip from New York to California. Someone who has done that trip before you can tell you where to stop, the pace to take, the best roads, and also what not to do. They can guide you as you plan and proceed. Ultimately, though, YOU are the one driving the car. YOU are the only “transformation specialist” you can hire!
The same goes on the football field. The coach teaches you the plays, you run the drills, and you prep for game day. When the time comes, however, you’re the one making the plays on the field. Execution matters!
If you’re looking for any kind of change and you want to add muscle, lose fat, get stronger, change your shape, and/or obtain a transformation, there are many people out there who can offer you guidance. It can come from places of science and also places of experience. No matter who you hire or what you join, it all comes down to YOU!
How you execute it is the biggest impact. Show up. Be consistent and give this time.
I’m still on the “joy ride”. My journey started in 10/2009, yet I’m still out for the drive. It amazes me daily the changes I’m still getting and the person God is showing me I’m meant to be.
Happy travels!