Most recently I’ve really learned some ah-mazing facts about the whys of my autoimmune thyroid disease. First off, I learned it has a lot to do with epigenetics, also known as my environment. I had the genetic propensity to develop a thyroid disease, but my lifestyle was a HUGE trigger in setting it off, eventually killing off my thyroid in total. And I’m totally owning that!
So over the last seven years I did a slow reset, changed my lifestyle, and put my disease behind me, still present, but not letting it lead the way. I’m SO grateful this happened to me. Why?
What I’m excited about is that I CAN be proactive with my nutrition and activity now to age well as I head into my mid 40s and beyond. Here is the BEST part: I can work my tail off to hopefully keep my four babies from getting what is supposed to come their way.
The point: We CAN make an impact on our health and wellness with our lifestyle choices!
So as a family we are going to go grain-free MOST of the time. It will be super challenging because this flies in the face of most eating systems in our society, but I know it’s what our bodies need and it is possible {think positive!}. We’ll be eating lean meats, eggs, vegetables, healthy fats, some fruits, nuts and seeds, some dairy and sugar, and minimal potatoes and oats. We’ll work to stay off of corn, wheat, rice, refined oils, and higher sugar intake. These are the foods that to me have set my system back internally and it’s time we reduce and delete them 95%+ of the time.
Did you know that I’m actually the daughter of a marvelous man who owns a food distribution business? In my youth, we made a living repairing kitchen equipment in fast foods restaurants and now my family business distributes packaged food items to schools, childcare centers and nursing homes in Indiana. I grew up and went to college off the funds of fast and processed food. Additionally, my someday inheritance comes from the food industry.
Yet still, I feel SO strongly about the food quality of our nation that I’m choosing to live this journey out loud. My thyroid disease is not unlike the challenges of many other people, so I feel absolutely compelled to share. Here is my criteria:
-This is our story and what works for us
-I have no interest or desire to “convince” anyone. I’m only responsible for me and my four children. I don’t even claim responsibility for my husband. He’s his own adult with his own choices. I only have to take care of these five bodies and the weight of the world does not lie on my shoulders…..whew!
-Do your research. Your body is your temple. What works for us may or may not work for you, so I encourage you to do what we did and chase your optimal. Overall, we should all be very concerned!
-What was going on 50 years ago in the fields and pastures is NOT what it is today. Our bodies are sick and getting sicker. Pay attention. Go figure out why. There is NOT a disconnect between wellness and food. Food is our fuel. Food is our medicine.
-I have 0% interest in judging or evaluating what you or anyone else chooses to eat. I’ll just say it, I don’t care. If I sit down at the table to eat with you, I’m thinking about my food day, my macros, and my goals. What you choose to eat is 110% up to you.
Overall, life is short. I’m going to live this out loud without the fear or concern of offending or upsetting other people. In fact, I had someone come on my Facebook page to “debate” and disprove me today. Overall, this confirmed all I’m doing and made me smile! If someone’s not challenging you, you’re simply not doing enough!
So choose to watch, listen, follow, or join us. Or even choose to unsubscribe. We will keep doing what works for us.
Chase your optimal, love the process. Go team!