I also say, if you find yourself craving something SO bad, then have it. Not the whole tub of ice cream or the entire box of cookies, but rather a scoop or a cookie or a small bowl of the kids’ whatevers…..then you may not feel so deprived and you can move on with your clean-eating plan. Just remember, no matter what it is, if you snack, you track it. Stay honest with you to stay the course!
If you’re lifting heavy and your goal is to grow muscle, you’ll do higher weights and lower reps. I usually do 3 to 4 sets of a 10-12 rep exercise and if it’s a REALLY heavy weight (like on leg day) my sets may only have 6 reps. If you’re making a change, it’s best to consult someone at your gym for a coaching session or consider a trainer for a time and learn proper form and strategy. That’s what I did and it was one of the best investments (in me) I’ve ever done!
If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep ending up with the same results. It’s a habit to downward spiral and throw in the towel because you got off plan. At some point you will have to make the choice to get back on track sooner than later. If you have goals that you’re working towards, you won’t want to let yourself down. Pick a diet (I like to call it a way-of-eating plan) and stay with it. We all slip sometimes, but there’s no need to keep sliding way off course and starting over and over again just because that’s what you’ve always done. Tell yourself that choice is no longer acceptable and no longer an option. Decide to stay the course and take charge. You are in control and you’ve got this!
In order to make sure you stay in correct portion control, injured or not, you should make sure to know the foods you’re eating. Always track what you eat and be educated to what’s in the ingredients. My tips and what works for me: measure your foods, focus on staying in your daily caloric amount, eat 6 small meals daily (even dividing your total day’s calories over the course of 6 meals helps), and make choices of lean meats and proteins, low sugar vegetables, healthy fats, and minimal grains and fruits. Use sweets and treats sparingly, but give yourself a cheat meal or treat here and there to trick the body. If you adopt this style of eating for all time, when injury occurs, you’ll be more likely to stay on track!
Thanks Fit Gals for sharing your questions with me and for allowing me to give my opinions and answers. Don’t let the past determine your future. Choose to be different this time….you’ve got this!