-By Mindy Irish
Be a leader! Did you know that someone around you needs you today? Someone in your family, your class, your church, your neighborhood, and your work place needs your smile, your encouragement, your ideas AND maybe even your story.
I’ve heard so many people say, “Oh, I have lost xx pounds, but I never talk about it.” Well, why not? Or, “I had a horrible week last week and I really slipped in my diet and exercise plan.” That’s actually good for others to know as well. We’re all human and we often strive for perfection, but we’re all just a work in progress. We mess up, we succeed, and we get stuck, time and again. That’s life.
What we need is to know that others do, too! If you’ve succeeded or are making progress towards your goals, be it financial, fitness, educational, job related, or in your relationships, CELEBRATE and tell someone about it! If you just got started on a plan of attack to make some changes, tell someone so you can have a cheering squad. And, if you’ve recently really messed up, be transparent. Open up about your failures and struggles, learn from it, and move forward.
In sharing any of these with those in your life, on your blog, in a magazine success story, over the phone, or with a small group, it can open doors and windows that you’ve NEVER imagined. What’s around the corner for you is huge and can be what you needed to get out of the rut or to encourage someone else to overcome theirs. Think about it, but just don’t be quiet!