I was invited to begin writing a column for a local magazine called “Hamilton County Family”! The name of my column is called “Fill Your Bucket” with the theme of how to make yourself a priorty. Below is the debut of that column from the March/April 2012 issue. Enjoy!
Laundry, check. Bills, check. Your 8-to-5 job, check. Volunteer for the PTO event, check. Team Mom, check. Groceries and dinner, check. What’s missing? YOU are! You give and you give and you do such a wonderful job taking care of your family, friends, and commitments, but what about you? You made it to all of those events, sort of. Maybe you were tired, distracted or overwhelmed by the thought of all the responsibilities that you have on your plate right now? How can there ever be any time “leftover” for you?