When you go through a major transformation, it’s quite interesting the comments you get AND who gives them to you, OR even chooses to say nothing at all……OUCH that hurts! Losing weight and keeping it off isn’t about being fanatic or obsessive or “just on a diet”. It’s about changing habits and adapting a new lifestyle. As much as it can be a bother, the words from others are reallly more about them and not about you!
Being healthy and leading a balanced lifestyle is not about the number on the scale, the size of your pants, the total amount lost, or even if you’re going for more weight loss. That’s up to you to decide and you and only you know your goals and your whys. It’s also not about how you look compared to others around you. Quite frankly, you’re going to look different because thin and trim has become the minority in our society with record setting obesity rates nationwide. That’s a whole other blog post!
Being healthy after going through a major transformation is about keeping in contact with fitness professionals and program facilitators who can guide you on the proper amount of workouts and balanced eating plans. It’s about giving your body balanced cardio, matwork, and strength sessions each week. It’s about knowing your healthy BMI, your body fat percentage, and knowing all your medical numbers and staying updated on them regularly. It’s NOT just about getting small!
No matter what size you might be compared to the person next to you, you know if you’re giving your best effort in your daily food and activity choices. If so, you’re likely to run into some success. Smile……good things lie ahead!! For me, sporting some muscle, a new look, and a new size is something I’m very proud of. Call me thin, trim, skinny (or obsessed as some have said!), however you like to package it, I call it strong, healthy, and balanced for living the big life that is planned for me to live!