On this day in May in Indiana, it is chilly and windy…but we do have sun! So I’m layered up to watch a Rugby game, have my van heat on 90, and I’m sporting my hat to keep me warm. My body is so confused!
I’ve packed a good amount of food to bring along with me for the afternoon. It always amazes me when I see several of my meals in one container and I think, “This is what I’m made of. This is my energy.”
As a society, our fast-paced lives full of stress and challenge and lack of sleep have burdened us more than we know. Food was created to nourish and fuel our systems, but we use food for different reasons now. Therapy, coping, comfort, affordability, and convenience are major factors impacting the food choices we now make vs. for nutrition and sustainability.
Once I understood that my food choices break down to their molecule to nourish me down to my cellular level, I view it so differently now. Sure, I have days where I choose my foods based off of how I need to “deal” with life or because I simply want to enjoy a delicacy, but I really try to take a step back from my mental and emotional needs at the time I’m eating and make sure I’m choosing for optimum.
With that mindset, I no longer feel deprived or restricted because I’m using food for fuel and therefore what I want to eat has changed. I can then then use other coping mechanisms to deal with the challenges of life. It really makes a big impact in wellness with this mental shift.
Food is our fuel. We are what we eat and we are what we eat ate {process that!}. For these reasons I want to choose what gets me to optimal…right down to the core!
If I can come alongside you in your wellness journey and Coach you to your goals, please check out my Coaching page and shoot me an email: mindy@mindyirish.com