Stats: 136.6; 9.23% Body Fat; Last week: 137.6, 11.47% BF Calorie intake: Drop this week! 1835 daily down from 1968 last week. The change came from dropping my 12-almond snack and switching out 1 pound of broccoli at lunch to 3 cups of cabbage. I got the ok to do the Dole cole […]
The Arnold Sports Festival 2013!
We attended the 2013 Arnold Sports Festival in its 25th year of running in Columbus, Ohio. My husband and I made a 1-night, 2-day trip out of it and drove over Thursday night catching the Amateur shows and then the Expo on Friday. While we were there, we ran into quite an awesome mix of […]
My Journey To My First Figure Competition: 7 Weeks Out!
Stats: 137.6, 11.47% Body Fat; Last week was: 140.0; Body Fat 12.2%….I love the science of this that it IS working!! Calorie intake: 1968 daily at 40 g fat; 176 g carbs (including veggie carbs); 164 g protein (including veggie proteins) I follow the Fighter Diet Contest Prep plan. My diet it filled with oatmeal, flax […]