I’ll highlight ongoing the fun lunches I pack for the husband and kids! The ideas below are great for kids ages 0 to 100!
The focus: keeping it real and fresh, minimal dairy, some wheat, minimal soy, minimal processed and white sugar, and an aim for a protein/complex carb at every meal; We also have an almond and peanut allergy in the family, so I won’t use those items at all, but certainly peanut butter and almond butter could make nice sandwich options for your family!
Special thanks to 100 Days of Real Food for introducing me to the Ziploc Divided products!
Kids: Ezekiel Bread and Simply Fruit jelly sandwiches, fresh fruit, rice cakes, sweet potato, homemade granola (my recipe on the link!), squeeze apple sauce
Hubs: sweet potato, diced chicken (oven baked), spicy mustard with horseradish sauce, fresh strawberries and pineapple
Kids: Simply Fruit jelly sandwich on Ezekiel Bread; Organic Apple Butter sandwich on Ezekiel Bread, air popped popcorn sprayed with spray butter and lightly salted, fresh fruit salad mixed with low-fat plain Greek yogurt (I usually avoid dairy, but I could not find the Coconut yogurt at this store)
Hubs: Kroger-prepared California Sushi roll, Blue corn chips with flax seed, Hummus and salsa, sliced strawberries
Stay tuned as I add more ideas daily!
Polaner All-Fruit Jelly Sandwiches on Ezekiel Bread, fresh fruit, Veggie Stix (I’m not overly crazy on the number of ingredients in these, but the line up is not bad. My kids seem to like them and it’s a nice alternative to a potato chip).