Stats: 133.6 lbs; 9.77% Body Fat; Last week: 134.5 lbs; 10.35% Body Fat
Calorie intake: Diet change! I’m really experimenting right now, and that will happen as I get more into this sport. I dropped my calories to 1500 mid week and really started focusing more on my macros. I’m basically getting a 30g fat, 117g carb, and 174g protein split.
Cardio: HIIT sessions on my bike (in my bedroom!) I did 5 this week mixing it up as 3×20, 4×15 or 6×15 intervals
Lifting: I lifted all body parts this week and added in some
Rest Days: Sunday only. Rest days are so good for the mind, body and soul!
Picture Update:
Coming along! Every choice really matters and shows up down the road. My trainer was happy with my V taper that appears to be coming in nicely!
I went to an IU Basketball party this past Sunday and took my own eats. Egg whites, salmon and spicy mustard were my items of choice. I’d be more tortured to eat unmeasured, unknown foods at this point in the game. It’s become about the power of knowing what and how much is going in my body and on a day-to-day basis. I believe more Americans should be aware of that, too! The days of mindless eating are here and gone {for me!}!
I use My Fitness Pal to track my macros and I focus on setting up my day’s eats the night before. Based off my weight, I track my total fat, carbohydrates and protein daily. Have to be spot on with those to meet the goals! You might sneak foods here and there and choose not to track it, but the body ALWAYS keeps track! Be honest with you to reach your goals!
I’ve actually made a big switch in the way my kids eat, too! I’m prepping more of their foods, taking out most processed foods (in the home), and keeping it fresh and real for them on a daily basis. I don’t expect them to eat my menu each time, but I am taking time to fix foods that meet their needs and take control of their ingredient line up!
Some of the items on my kids’ list are homemade granola, lean meats, and homemade pancakes free of soy, wheat and dairy. Visit my Recipes tab for ongoing recipes I create for them!
We all hit hard times and staying motivated is NOT easy! My husband Dan and trainer Jackie both get an earful when I’m having a major craving moment or even doubting my why for this journey (yes…it happens from time to time!) Overall, I have systems in place to touch base with them on keeping me on track and sometimes just need to have a Mindy heart to heart to keep my head in the game. Three weeks and counting, it’s not getting any easier, but coming this far, there’s no turning back now!
That sums it up! My heart is with my iron and I love what this lifestyle has done for me and my family, physically, mentally and spiritually! Push on to the goal, Fit Friends!
as always….just a reminder of where I was (at 225) in October 2009. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to!