“I want you to gain 10 pounds,” my trainer said to me in October 2012. My first thoughts, “Gain 10 pounds? I just got finished losing 95!” Initially, this was NOT an easy request for me to digest.
At the time, I had been on this fitness journey for three years since October 2009. In the beginning it was all about the scale, all about reaching benchmark weight goals, and all about taking the pounds off. As I made my gradual progress in those years, my goals changed, too. My long-time desire to train and compete for Figure competitions was becoming more of a reality and my former weight-loss focused goals HAD to change.
I got it and totally understood her request. In order for me to be competitive and make it worth my time and investment on stage, I had to shift my focus from weight loss to gaining more muscle. Gaining muscle while trying to lose body fat is no easy task and often times when you switch your body composition in that manner, the scale may move UP! Your body will look better though because you’ll gain more definition and have a more firm look.
Now six weeks after hitting my lowest weight while on this path, I’ve since gained eight pounds and I’M OK WITH THAT! I’ve done the “losing” work, and now it’s time to put this body through a different type of project. But making progress towards a goal holds move value than being as small as I can be on the scale. Even eight pounds heavier, my clothes still fit the same and I’m feeling fuller in a good way.
No matter what your goals are, celebrate your progress, aim high towards your goals, and know that you are never defined by the number that sits on the scale. A number is just a number!