I had my first speaking op this past Monday in Fishers, Indiana. I’ve been asked to share a snipett of my story before in a few three or four minute time slots. In those cases, I simply read a quick overview of my then and now timeline.
This time was different. I was up front, center stage and sharing out for a local MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) with 30 or so young Moms in the crowd. I used a Powerpoint presentation and talked for ONE HOUR. ONE HOUR! Public speaking usually scares most people and I was certainly nervous. But once I got warmed up, the fitness flood gates opened and my passion poured out.
The topics: my lifestyle before, several strategies used to get where I am today, a few people who crossed my path and rocked my fitness world, and my tips and strategies on how to reach success towards your fitness goals. I loved it and can’t wait to do it again!
My belief is that when you find gold, you MUST share it. Getting me back and making myself a priority is GOLD and I’m willing to share my story with any listening ear. Maybe not all are ready to start on their journey, but I do believe seeds were planted. And in due time, many good things can come to bloom!
Need a motivational speaker at your next function? I’d love to have a shot at taking that spot! Simply email me here so we can start the fit talk!
To the best you yet, go for what scares you. Get uncomfortable and look out for the new you!